Posts tagged Treacle Walker
The Stone Book Quartet by Alan Garner

As you move through the four generations, and their stories, you find echoes moving between them. Lost items are found. Histories are retold, regathered into myth. The seasons change. The church clock keeps ticking, even when they have to make sure it keeps time with the station clock. The stones are worked and stand through wars, through loss, through lessons skipped and lessons taught by the side of rough roads. The families pull together and hold together, giving themselves and their lives purpose in a world which is moving past them. We meet each generation through the eyes of a younger member, who is starting to wonder where they will fit into the approaching future. With them as our guides, and with their elders waiting to show them what the land holds for them, you’re quickly swept into each story. Each one holding a little magic and a little truth for you.

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